woensdag 29 juni 2011

Shine like you do

What makes you (the generic you) wander the internet, I wonder? What are you looking for? Are you searching the definitive lolcat? Is it the demotivational poster that really makes you Laugh Out Loud? Do you hope to come across more twinkly stars and sparkling butterflies to adorn your own blog?

If the next random site were to give you the answer to life, the universe and everything, would you click that button?
42, you say. You are a geek.
Love, you say. You are a lonely heart.
Nothing, you say. Emo.
Having fun? American adolescent.
To Be Here Now. John Lennon.
Label. Label. Label.
Your internet - persona has been photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels.

I don't have the answers. If you want to know what that next stumble will bring you, click it. It will most certainly disappoint you. If not immediately, it will later. I am not going to tell you to go outside and play and live your life. It is yet another type of stumbler that does this: The Quoter.

You are not Harold Crick. You may be my fiction, but you are your own reality. Spending your time in fantastical internet-communities and fabricating intricate fake personas, supposed to be more intelligent or warm-hearted (or female) than you really are, is your choice. It's your prerogative to do so.

Rest assured though, Ennui will kill you (the individual you). You are slowly succumbing to a state of inactivity, mental and physical. You are becoming a watcher. Where's your sense of achievement? Whatever happened to your To-Do-List? Cracking level seven is not a proper To-Do. You know that, don't you? Don't you?

I don't propose you give up your computer, your internet, your roleplaying or your communities. Far from it. I just encourage you to do all things consciously. Always think outside the box. Don't blindly bash the buttons. Don't automatically LOL, ROFL or LMAO. Stay awake, be real, be present. Don't merely collect. Create. Think, Exist and Be aware, completely and whole-heartedly. Make a list and do it. Above all other things, however: with anything you do, in everything you do: Be There. 

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