zaterdag 8 oktober 2011

and now the speed of light broken

I have started to distrust the universe. I am no true astrophysicist nor a mathematician of some ability. l am an opinionated cynic, however, and what with all the dark matter and dark energy and gravitational improbabilities and the alpha constant being subject to some kind of alpha error, I'm just not buying in anymore. l’m copping out
It’s a tremendous thing this universe we've invented for ourselves, but the day you realise you need eleven additional dimensions to make sense of the numbers, something’s gone awry.
Let’s face it. Even particle physicists agree that on a quantum mechanical level, particles are neither here nor there. A quantum scale object is an energy both wave and particle? To make it fit, we are saying it is two things at the same time? It’s the nuns all over again.
But that’s beside the point What I fear is that certain fields of research have all but completely discarded the scientific method and are moving into areas formerly considered esoteric and pseudo.
Watching scientists explain matter, brings an image to my mind of mother and my sister manoeuvring a cupboard around in the corner of the room, realising full well the angles do not match up. They know it is never going to fit, but with a cute little doily and a shrewdly positioned Peace Lily, it will look just about right

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